
Rhetorius Compendium

Mercuranian Filmliste – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9kCJ6uY7SXI96wyBIM2rcsf4e6az7dRl

Introduction – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKV_3k-hkbY&list=PL9kCJ6uY7SXKazJKZdCrNKY0EkW2zv33z&index=1&t=46s – //Holden/R26

Astrotalk Filmliste Rhetorius Compendiumhttps://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCKPz4q3EX-uJGX2i1Q73xLjGX7A-Uk19

Mercurians – Filmliste – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9kCJ6uY7SXI96wyBIM2rcsf4e6az7dRl – –https://www.omegastrology.com 


Project Hindsight / Robert Hand on Astrology



Early Project Hindsight Interview with Robert Hand, Robert Schmidt, and Robert Zoller – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kC-86yKXTmw&list=PLCKPz4q3EX-spRW7lN5DzMZ1gtcDfHOhR&index=1&t=104shttps://talk.vonabisw.de/Hand/Hand1.mp4Project Hindsight Interview Commentaryhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGuYvTJArPY&list=PLCKPz4q3EX-spRW7lN5DzMZ1gtcDfHOhR&index=2https://talk.vonabisw.de/Hand/Hand2.mp4

United Astrology Conference 1986 Livestream Commentary – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPbKn9Bg2fohttps://talk.vonabisw.de/Hand/Hand15.mp4

Astrology and the Qabalah – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FeR_lSeXAjEhttps://talk.vonabisw.de/Lehrgang/Hand1.mp4

Robert Hand | Signs That Have the Same Ruler – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MlUr5J4ce4A&list=PLCKPz4q3EX-spRW7lN5DzMZ1gtcDfHOhR&index=3https://talk.vonabisw.de/Hand/Hand3.mp4

Western Classical Astrology by Robert Hand – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NpjEIxx71IA&list=PLCKPz4q3EX-spRW7lN5DzMZ1gtcDfHOhR&index=4https://talk.vonabisw.de/Hand/Hand4.mp4

Western Classical Astrology by Robert Hand 2 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJ1qppOdVSQ&list=PLCKPz4q3EX-spRW7lN5DzMZ1gtcDfHOhR&index=18https://talk.vonabisw.de/Hand/Hand8.mp4

Reception with Robert Hand – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3k86s3OViM&list=PLCKPz4q3EX-spRW7lN5DzMZ1gtcDfHOhR&index=5https://talk.vonabisw.de/Hand/Hand5.mp4

Is Astrology a Religion? – a lecture by Robert Hand – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBiLaON0in0&list=PLCKPz4q3EX-spRW7lN5DzMZ1gtcDfHOhR&index=16https://talk.vonabisw.de/Hand/Hand6.mp4

Towards a Post Modern Astrology – a lecture by Robert Hand – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_1m7_5y9fo&list=PLCKPz4q3EX-spRW7lN5DzMZ1gtcDfHOhR&index=17https://talk.vonabisw.de/Hand/Hand7.mp4

Mesopotamian Astrology, by Robert Hand – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5byK-HzLVU&list=PLCKPz4q3EX-spRW7lN5DzMZ1gtcDfHOhR&index=20https://talk.vonabisw.de/Hand/Hand9.mp4

Astrology, Morality, & Ethics – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7L6eb4wK_Pk&list=PLCKPz4q3EX-spRW7lN5DzMZ1gtcDfHOhR&index=25https://talk.vonabisw.de/Hand/Hand10.mp4

Robert Hand | Astrology and the Qabalah – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FeR_lSeXAjE&list=PLCKPz4q3EX-spRW7lN5DzMZ1gtcDfHOhR&index=27https://talk.vonabisw.de/Hand/Hand11.mp4

Robert Hand Responds to Deborah Houlding – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4xJP74Rx1Q&list=PLCKPz4q3EX-spRW7lN5DzMZ1gtcDfHOhR&index=28https://talk.vonabisw.de/Hand/Hand12.mp4

Robert Hand | Leaders in Astrology Series – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8kSGhgf2Xc&list=PLCKPz4q3EX-spRW7lN5DzMZ1gtcDfHOhR&index=29https://talk.vonabisw.de/Hand/Hand13.mp4

Robert Hand Chart Delineation: Ezzelino III da Romano – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-xypdIGB9g&list=PLCKPz4q3EX-spRW7lN5DzMZ1gtcDfHOhR&index=30https://talk.vonabisw.de/Hand/Hand14.mp4

Robert Hand on Rulership

Robert Hand on the Zodiacs and the Daimon – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHwhwJrkO0w – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Lehrgang2/Hand2.mp4 – Daimon ab Minute 28 – Zodiacs Minute 8 + 40

Part 2 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FcmiU-Z2Ig – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Lehrgang2/Hand1.mp4 – Rulership Minute 12


Chris Brennan – Astrology Podcasts – Traditional Astrology


Sendungen – https://theastrologypodcast.com/episodes/

Tierkreiszeichen – Filmliste – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBqWtMxa3PnZrq2oBXgAJDAg5Bu3ey-KI


Planet Meanings

Filmliste – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBqWtMxa3PnZ6lID3UmKI_ivZO02Jaa-J



Significations of the Twelve Houses – Part 1: Houses 1–6 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bddnuFMkmpQ&list=PLBqWtMxa3PnZ6lID3UmKI_ivZO02Jaa-J&index=3&t=10310s – https://talk.vonabisw.de/CB/16.mp4

Significations of the Twelve Houses, Part 2: Houses 7–12 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbdVCaKMBR4&list=PLBqWtMxa3PnZ6lID3UmKI_ivZO02Jaa-J&index=4&t=892s – https://talk.vonabisw.de/CB/17.mp4

Essential Dignities and Debilities in Traditional Astrology – Charles Obert – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVz6xT7yHDs&t=7s – https://talk.vonabisw.de/CB/33.mp4

The Four Elements in Astrology, with Darby Costello – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqfK1H0qtYw&t=65s – https://talk.vonabisw.de/CB/34.mp4

Defining the Void of Course Moon – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZ4WQExbelI&t=65s – https://talk.vonabisw.de/CB/44.mp4

Reception: A Mitigating Condition in Birth Charts – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwNTivlTws8&t=179s – https://talk.vonabisw.de/CB/46.mp4


Astroseek – Chart


Volker – https://horoscopes.astro-seek.com/calculate-traditional-chart/?narozeni_den=13&narozeni_mesic=12&narozeni_rok=1949&narozeni_hodina=07&narozeni_minuta=00&narozeni_sekunda=00&narozeni_mesto_hidden=Celle&narozeni_stat_hidden=DE&narozeni_podstat_kratky_hidden=&narozeni_city=Celle,%20Germany&narozeni_sirka_stupne=52&narozeni_sirka_minuty=37&narozeni_sirka_smer=0&narozeni_delka_stupne=10&narozeni_delka_minuty=5&narozeni_delka_smer=0&narozeni_timezone_form=auto&narozeni_timezone_dst_form=auto&house_system=whole&asc_asp=on&hid_asc_asp=on&hid_fortune=&hid_fortune_check=on&hid_spirit=&hid_spirit_check=on&hid_syzygy=&hid_syzygy_check=on&hid_vertex=on&hid_vertex_check=&hid_chiron=on&hid_chiron_check=&hid_lilith=on&hid_lilith_check=&hid_uzel=&hid_uzel_check=on&fortune_asp=on&hid_fortune_asp=on&uzel_asp=on&hid_uzel_asp=on&tolerance=1&tolerance_paral=1.2&hide_aspects=0&aya=&&radix=1&aktivni_tab=1&house_system=whole_horizon&terms=

2024 – DIe Häuser im Horoskop

The First House in Astrology

1 – The First House in Astrology: Planets in the Rising Sign – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eR2fBFQT9wYhttps://talk.vonabisw.de/Lehrgang3/Brennan1.mp4

1a – 1st House Birth Chart Readings Livestream – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njdGDsHZvf8&t=3455shttps://talk.vonabisw.de/Lehrgang4/1.mp4

2 – The Second House in Astrology – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kl2tFtwZLHkhttps://talk.vonabisw.de/Lehrgang4/3.mp4

2a – 2nd and 3rd House Birth Chart Readings – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1Rl30qk548https://talk.vonabisw.de/Lehrgang4/4.mp4

3 – The Third House in Astrology – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3zqxEr2S24https://talk.vonabisw.de/Lehrgang4/5.mp4

4- The Fourth House in Astrology – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEx3PaQSwfkhttps://talk.vonabisw.de/Lehrgang4/9.mp4

4a- The Ruler of the 4th House in Astrology – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoHPAxoO8E0https://talk.vonabisw.de/Lehrgang4/10.mp4

Astrology as Divination, with Kirk Little – Life and Work of Geoffrey Cornelius

Kirk Little – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1oloBbcWwkohttps://talk.vonabisw.de/Lehrgang4/6.mp4

Geoffrey Cornelius on The Moment of Astrology – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r591Sc_K470https://talk.vonabisw.de/Lehrgang4/7.mp4


Centre for Myth, Cosmology and the Sacredhttps://mythcosmologysacred.com







The Lord of the Orb

13.12.1949 – 7:00:00 = vor Sonnenaufgang also Planetenstunde 5:38 bis 7:00 = Saturn – Tagesherrscher vom 12. 12. 1949 = Mond

Chaldäische Reihe – https://www.astro.com/astrowiki/de/Chaldäische_Reihe

Solarhoroskop 13.12.2023 = Wiederkehr der Sonne auf 20° 54′ 11“ Schütze = 5 Uhr 56 Minuten 40 Sekunden für Hannover – Mittwoch – Merkurtag – 5:40 bis 7:01 = Planetenstunde des Mondes = 1.Haus

Annual Profections

is an ancient Hellenestic Astrology method of seeing what a theme or area of focus will be for your Solar year, and a key Planet (your “timelord”), based on your Natal Chart. – Using the whole sign House system, starting with the Rising Sign as the 1st House, this will count as your 1st House Profection Year for your first year after birth. Then, in your second year of life, you will move into a 2nd House Profection Year and so on. Every twelve years you will come back to the same House Profection. – Based off of your own personal Natal Chart, the House that is activated for you for the year will also be in a certain Zodiac Sign, and the Planetary ruler of that Sign will be particularly significant for you for that period. It will also activate any personal Planets you have in that House. – It is basically a way of “profecting”, or moving forward, your Rising Sign every birthday. You can also profect your main luminay (Sun Sign for Day Charts and Moon Sign for Night Charts) for more information.

Filmliste The Lord of the Orb in Solar Returns – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCKPz4q3EX-sJrME6Bv8yM015CJdPCOaS

https://tonylouis.wordpress.com/2019/03/17/the-lord-of-the-orb-in-solar-returns/ – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Astrologen2/Orb.pdf

Lord of the Orb, Primary Directions, Solar Revolutions & Profections – https://www.theabverdict.com/post/lord-of-the-orb-primary-directions-solar-revolutions-profections – Abu Ma’shar on Solar Returns, with Benjamin Dykes – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yU9TF7zeQUo&t=21s – Peter Stockinger on How to Use Solar Returns & Profections in Astrology – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDDGuVHr38k&t=12s

Myth of Er

– http://grundlegung.eu/text-er-mythos.html

– https://www.thoughtco.com/the-myth-of-er-120332

The Daimon and Zodiacal Releasing

Astrology as the teaching of Primordial Principles not of the stars or planets. – Therefore the Planets can never be causes – only signs as representative for one of the seven Primordial Principles – now ten. – As above so below. – The Horoscope as the teaching and learning Plan for the life of the Individual. – Lord not my will, but your will be done. – Theurgy (Greek θεουργία theourgía „work of God“) is an ancient term for religious rites and practices that were intended to enable people to make contact with divine beings and obtain help from them. The practitioner is called a „theurgist“.


Cornelius Agrippa of Nettesheim

Occult Philosophy – https://www.amazon.de/Three-Books-Occult-Philosophy-Llewellyns/dp/0875428320

Planetary Hours of the Day

– https://horoscopes.astro-seek.com/calculate-planetary-hours/?narozeni_city=Hannover%2C+Germany&narozeni_input_hidden=&narozeni_hidden_local_tz=1&narozeni_stat_hidden=DE&narozeni_podstat_hidden=Lower+Saxony&narozeni_podstat_kratky_hidden=&narozeni_podstat2_kratky_hidden=&narozeni_podstat3_kratky_hidden=&narozeni_mesto_hidden=Hannover&narozeni_den=08&narozeni_mesic=11&narozeni_rok=2023&tolerance=1&narozeni_sirka_stupne=52&narozeni_sirka_minuty=22&narozeni_sirka_smer=0&narozeni_delka_stupne=9&narozeni_delka_minuty=44&narozeni_delka_smer=0#select_local_tz_anchor

Robert Zoller, Pioneer in Reviving Medieval Astrology


https://avalonlibrary.net/ebooks/Robert%20Zoller%20-%20Diploma%20Course%20in%20Medieval%20Astrology.pdf – Interview – https://www.skyscript.co.uk/zoller.html – Astrowiki – https://www.astro.com/astrowiki/de/Robert_Zoller – Robert Zoller: Pioneer in Reviving Medieval Astrology – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5a4Y1U9IW8&t=1058s – The use of “modern” planets in traditional astrology – https://tonylouis.wordpress.com/2021/03/30/the-use-of-modern-planets-in-traditional-astrology/


Cindy Naunton – Janus6

Astrology Foundationhttps://astrologyfoundation.co.nz/afi-history

https://www.astrology-house.com – Glossary – https://www.astrology-house.com/glossary.cfmhttps://janus6.com

Janus 6 review – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJUdnGjaIkY

https://www.soulhealing.com – https://www.soulhealing.com/softstarweblog.htm#092523 – https://www.soulhealing.com/astrosof.htm – https://janus6.com/font.htm – https://www.janus6.com/getjanus6.htm



417,10 Australische Dollar entspricht € 252,42 

Whole Sign Houses – Ganzzeichenhäuser


Filmliste – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCKPz4q3EX-v5P-Dwtk5VusSoIis_PQEF

Deborah Houlding – https://talk.vonabisw.de/WSH/Deborah.mp4

Chris Brennan – https://talk.vonabisw.de/WSH/Chris.mp4

Robert Hand – https://talk.vonabisw.de/WSH/Hand.mp4

Demetra George – https://talk.vonabisw.de/WSH/Demetra.mp4

Solar Revolution / Solar Return

Filmliste Shu Yap – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCKPz4q3EX-uM2n7JB1Rpnj_SF7JGSCnE

Abu Ma’shar on Solar Returns, with Benjamin Dykes – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yU9TF7zeQUo&t=1165s

Solar 2023 – https://delineation.vonabisw.de/solar-2023

Assessing Planetary Strength in Forecasting with Shu Yap – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jua6AhDtVBU&list=PLCKPz4q3EX-uM2n7JB1Rpnj_SF7JGSCnE&index=1&t=112s

The Tradition – Journal of Western Predictive Astrology 

Editors: Helena Avelar, Luís Ribeiro and Sue Ward

 https://starsandstones.wordpress.com/2020/08/11/the-tradition-journal-library-reloaded/ – https://thetraditionjournal.com

https://theastrologypodcast.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/tradition-journal-vol-1.pdf – 

https://theastrologypodcast.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/tradition-journal-vol-2.pdf – 

https://theastrologypodcast.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/tradition-journal-vol-3.pdf – 

https://theastrologypodcast.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/tradition-journal-vol-4.pdf – Tradition/T1

The Tradition Library. This project, active between 2009 and 2011, brought the work of the authors of the Western Predictive Tradition in the form of transcriptions of their texts (entire or in part), commentaries, historical birth data with original horoscopes where possible, and other materials. All  these texts are now available free of charge for the students of the Tradition

The Tradition Library – https://thetraditionjournal.com/traditionlibrary/

Dodecatemoria – 36 Decans

Quellen – https://sevenstarsastrology.com/twelfth-parts-introducingdodecatemory-signs/https://sevenstarsastrology.com/twelfth-parts-2-secret-chart/

Filmliste – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCKPz4q3EX-sLzLX4ycBZ2kmOq1lRcbf5

Volker – https://www.astro.com/cgi/chart.cgi?lang=g&gm=a1&nhor=31&nho2=1&btyp=293&mth=at&sday=4&smon=1&syr=2024&hsy=W&node=-Yn&snode=-Ys&sevenpl=1&decans=tr&terms=eg&mainasp=1&rs=0&add=18

Mel Priestley – How to Use Twelfth-Parts (Dwads) in Astrology – https://www.melpriestley.ca/how-to-use-twelfth-parts-dwads-in-astrology/ – Twins and Twelfth Parts – https://www.melpriestley.ca/downloads/twins-and-twelfth-parts/

Dwadasamsa Thinking – http://oaks.nvg.org/dwads.html – The Dwadasamsa: Your Ancestors’ Influence – https://laurabaratastrologer.com/secrets-of-the-dwadasamsa-your-ancestors-influence/


Zyklische Astrologie

Swiss Ephemeris



Neptun / Pluto am Sonntag, den 1. Mai 1892 auf 7°42′ Zwillinge 500 Jahre https://www.astro.com/swisseph/ae/1800/ae_1892.pdf – –https://blog.starfish-astrologie.de/2017/05/06/neptunpluto-konjunktion-uranus/

Uranus / Pluto am Sonntag, den 5. September 1965 auf 15 Grad Jungfrau.

Uranus / Neptun auf 19°33′ Steinbock am Dienstag, den 2. Februar 1993

Saturn / Plut0 am Sonntag, den 12. Januar 2020 auf 22 Grad Steinbock.

Saturn / Neptun am Freitag, den 20. Februar 2026 auf 0° 44′ Widder – https://www.astro.com/swisseph/ae/2000/ae_2026.pdf

Saturn / Uranus am Montag, den 28. Juni 2032 auf 28°1′ Zwillinge

Jupiter / Pluto – am Sonntag, den 05.04.2020 – 30.06.2020 – 12.11.2020 auf 24 Grad Steinbock.

Jupiter / Neptun am Mittwoch den 13. April 2022 auf 24°2′ Fische

Jupiter / Uranus am Sonntag, den 21. April 2024 auf 21°48′ Stier

Hannover – Deutschland – Jupiter / Saturn Konjunktion am Montag, den 21. Dezember 2020 um 19:20 MET Uhr auf 0°29′ Wassermann – Beginn der Luftepoche – Transit Putoingreß auf diesem Grad im Januar 2024.

Die Sonne stand um 19/20 Uhr – dem Zeitpunkt der exakten Jupiter / Saturn Konjunktion auf 0°21′ Steinbock. – Pro alle 2,5 Bogenminuten vergeht für die Sonne eine Stunde. – 21 Bogenminuten umfassen also ca. 8 Zeitstunden.

Sonne Steinbock Ingress am Montag, den 21. Dezember 2020 – d.h. der exakte Steinbockingress, also die Wintersonnenwende fand um ca. 11:20 Uhr in Hannover statt.

Neptun-Widder-Ingreß am Montag den 31. März 2025

Astrotalkkanal – Idee – 15. September 2020 – 4:03:00 MET/S Hannover

Essential Dignities and Debilities

Filmlisten Lee Lehman – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCKPz4q3EX-vHDsFJjGSsj3a6vxfNCd5Lhttps://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCKPz4q3EX-tU0N4fr6t0z8VQoTwoItNm


The Concept of Detriment in Astrology – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zem-4tFArEo&t=226s

The Origins of the Exaltations: A New Discovery – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHRBCSfV300&t=178s

Prof. Dr. Benjamin Dykes – Traditional Astrology in Translation

Filmliste – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWfUcScvQbEybS1VXn032uvcukNtqpLAl

Astrotalk – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCKPz4q3EX-u2zSQZtsWb65vIK1-9XpCI

Exaltations in Astrology – Origins and Meaning Explained – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHRBCSfV300&list=PLCKPz4q3EX-u2zSQZtsWb65vIK1-9XpCI&index=1&t=169shttps://talk.vonabisw.de/Dykes/Dykes1.mp4

Detriment in Astrology – Origins and Meaning Explained – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zem-4tFArEo&list=PLCKPz4q3EX-u2zSQZtsWb65vIK1-9XpCI&index=2https://talk.vonabisw.de/Dykes/Dykes2.mp4

Firmicus Maternus – Mathesis, with Benjamin Dykes – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HoNf5JVNMZI&list=PLCKPz4q3EX-u2zSQZtsWb65vIK1-9XpCI&index=3https://talk.vonabisw.de/Dykes/Dykes3.mp4

Sahl ibn Bishr – A New Translation by Benjamin Dykes – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAO3jKKFvCM&list=PLCKPz4q3EX-u2zSQZtsWb65vIK1-9XpCI&index=4https://talk.vonabisw.de/Dykes/Dykes4.mp4

Abu Ma’shar on Solar Returns with Benjamin Dykes – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yU9TF7zeQUo&list=PLCKPz4q3EX-u2zSQZtsWb65vIK1-9XpCI&index=5https://talk.vonabisw.de/Dykes/Dykes5.mp4

Ben Dykes about Robert Zoller – Pioneer in Reviving Medieval Astrology – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5a4Y1U9IW8&list=PLCKPz4q3EX-u2zSQZtsWb65vIK1-9XpCI&index=6https://talk.vonabisw.de/Dykes/Dykes6.mp4

Determinism and Freewill in Astrology Benjamin N. DYKES – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxLbjWwClMY&list=PLCKPz4q3EX-u2zSQZtsWb65vIK1-9XpCI&index=8https://talk.vonabisw.de/Dykes/Dykes7.mp4

Time Lords with Dr. Benjamin Dykes – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xcXpIUVlWI&list=PLCKPz4q3EX-u2zSQZtsWb65vIK1-9XpCI&index=10https://talk.vonabisw.de/Dykes/Dykes8.mp4

Interview with Dr. Benjamin Dykes traditional astrologer – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQDKJyX6awQ&list=PLCKPz4q3EX-u2zSQZtsWb65vIK1-9XpCI&index=9https://talk.vonabisw.de/Dykes/Dykes9.mp4



Significations of the Twelve Houses

Significations of the Twelve Houses – Part 1: Houses 1–6 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bddnuFMkmpQ&t=322s

Significations of the Twelve Houses, Part 2: Houses 7–12 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kbdVCaKMBR4&t=112s

House Division in Ancient Astrology: Origins of the Different Systems – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVU5GCz1v90&t=39s

Tutoring on Astrology

Mel – https://www.melpriestley.ca/about/https://www.melpriestley.ca/astrology-consultations/







K – https://youtu.be/oD8RYxoMFRA

Pronoia – Moira – Heimarmene  – Logos – Weltseele

Stoa – Als die vernunftgemäss gestaltende und erhaltende Kraft ist die Pronoia mit dem Logos und der Physis identisch. Sie ist die Gottheit von einer bestimmten Seite her gesehen. Unter einem anderen Gesichtspunkt erscheint dies als Heimarmene. – Max Pohlenz: Die Stoa – Geschichte einer geistigen Bewegung – Seite 101 ff.

Filmlisten – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCKPz4q3EX-tSlv6rmowzIAdEXKjpruk_https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCKPz4q3EX-vxKXpL1J3ajVu7xCdaXoJG

Pronoia (Vorsehung) und Moira (Schicksal) – Providence and Fate – Providentia et Fatum – Heimarmene (Fügung)

Pronoia (von altgriechisch πρόνοια prónoia „Vorausschau, Vorsicht, Fürsorge, Vorsorge“ – Göttliche Vorsehung oder Fügung

Schicksal – Fatum – Fate – Moira – Schicksalsglaube ist der Glaube bzw. die Überzeugung, dass ein bestimmter Lebensweg oder bestimmte Ereignisse im Leben eines Menschen mehr oder weniger deterministisch  vorherbestimmt sind

Proklos Diadochos : Über die Vorsehung, das Schicksal und den freien Willen an Theodoros, den Ingenieur (Mechaniker) – Proklos Diadochos. Nach Vorarbeiten von Theo Borger ; übersetzt und erläutert von Michael Erler.

Heimarmene – das unausweichliche Verhängnis, Schicksal

Marcus Manilius

Manilius and the Planetary Joys – An Esoteric Pythagorean Account of Houses in Astrology – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V36TLjFjO-g&list=PLCKPz4q3EX-uN7z9JpgdVvl1Ln929Ibhe&index=1&t=95shttps://talk.vonabisw.de/Lehrgang2/Manilius1.mp4

Manilius and the Inverted World: An Alternative Account of the Planetary Joys – Lecture – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_azGGZOk_4&list=PLCKPz4q3EX-uN7z9JpgdVvl1Ln929Ibhe&index=2https://talk.vonabisw.de/Lehrgang2/Manilius2.mp4

Astrologie Online Kongress


Axel Voss – https://www.symbology.dehttps://www.ars-vivendi.wshttps://www.mrt-essen.de – Symbology – https://www.youtube.com/@Symbology/videos – Filmliste – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCKPz4q3EX-tO3vTzgEgZc9ktxkXbyv_X

Peter Beck – https://wege-zu-den-sternen.de

Alexander Graf von Schlieffen – http://schlieffen-astrologie.de/vortraege-seminare/

Primary Directions

Anthony Louis – An Introduction to Primary Directions  – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lql75pmi1rYhttps://talk.vonabisw.de/Lehrgang/Primaerdirektion1.mp4

Astroseek – https://horoscopes.astro-seek.com/calculate-traditional-chart/?distribution=1&tradicni=1&chiron_asp=on&send_calculation=1&narozeni_den=13&narozeni_mesic=12&narozeni_rok=1949&narozeni_hodina=07&narozeni_minuta=00&narozeni_sekunda=00&narozeni_city=Celle%2C+Germany&narozeni_mesto_hidden=Celle&narozeni_stat_hidden=DE&narozeni_podstat_kratky_hidden=&narozeni_podstat_hidden=Lower+Saxony&narozeni_input_hidden=&narozeni_podstat2_kratky_hidden=&narozeni_podstat3_kratky_hidden=&narozeni_sirka_stupne=52&narozeni_sirka_minuty=37&narozeni_sirka_smer=0&narozeni_delka_stupne=10&narozeni_delka_minuty=5&narozeni_delka_smer=0&narozeni_timezone_form=auto&narozeni_timezone_dst_form=auto&house_system=whole&pd_key=&terms2=&solar_return_days=&planeta_navrat=&custom_degree_stupen=0&custom_degree_minuta=0&custom_degree_sekunda=0&custom_znameni_navrat=0&aya=&house_system2=&hid_fortune=1&hid_fortune_check=on&hid_spirit=1&hid_spirit_check=on&hid_syzygy=1&hid_syzygy_check=on&hid_uzel=1&hid_uzel_check=on&custom_aya=&custom_aya_zmena_smer=0&custom_aya_zmena_stupne=00&custom_aya_zmena_minuty=00&custom_aya_zmena_vteriny=00&custom_aya_vlastni_smer=0&custom_aya_vlastni_stupne=00&custom_aya_vlastni_minuty=00&custom_aya_vlastni_vteriny=00&tolerance=1#distribution

Saturn/Jupiter Luftepoche mit Pluto

War and Renaissance: Outer Planet Ingresses (2023-2025) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m4VbHrLYh6c&list=PLCKPz4q3EX-u0Yqtu7nuNCg7DdCYVluqa&index=6https://talk.vonabisw.de/Lehrgang/Transit1.mp4

Dr. Christof Niederwieserhttps://www.youtube.com/@horoskop-astrologie/videos

Zeitenwende 2020 – ein schwieriger Übergang. Interview mit Dr. Christof Niederwieser – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OLTGQ2i2u0&list=PLbzDzE1l1gq-oI64wAk31HJU4Twsr6fOQ&index=1https://talk.vonabisw.de/Lehrgang/Transit2.mp4

Dr. Christof Niederwieser – Durch Astrologie die Welt verstehen – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0pRF-CyLo4&t=0shttps://talk.vonabisw.de/Lehrgang/Transit3.mp4

Neue Freiheit in der Luftepoche – Dr. Christof Niederwieser – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEhMPVnDdGY&list=PLbzDzE1l1gq-oI64wAk31HJU4Twsr6fOQ&index=5https://talk.vonabisw.de/Lehrgang/Transit4.mp4

KURZ NACHGEFRAGT BEI DR. CHRISTOPH NIEDERWIESER – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dj9jouqRCjY&list=PLbzDzE1l1gq-oI64wAk31HJU4Twsr6fOQ&index=7https://talk.vonabisw.de/Lehrgang/Transit5.mp4

Aufbruch in die Luftepoche – Interview mit Christof Niederwieser – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cgrUcBHcgf4&list=PLbzDzE1l1gq-oI64wAk31HJU4Twsr6fOQ&index=7https://talk.vonabisw.de/Lehrgang/Transit6.mp4

Die Wahrheit über Jupiter – ist der Glücksplanet in Wirklichkeit ein Kriegstreiber – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zOd1HJOV3jk&list=PLbzDzE1l1gq-oI64wAk31HJU4Twsr6fOQ&index=10https://talk.vonabisw.de/Lehrgang/Transit7.mp4

Die MACHT der FREIHEIT mit Pluto im Wassermann – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=624BzGe-RC0https://talk.vonabisw.de/Lehrgang/Transit8.mp4

1 Jahr Luftepoche: das Update – Talk mit Dr. Christof Niederwieser – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VKaN6UxbP4&list=PLbzDzE1l1gq-oI64wAk31HJU4Twsr6fOQ&index=11https://talk.vonabisw.de/Lehrgang/Transit9.mp4

Zeitenwende 2020 – Fragen und Antworten: Interview mit Dr. Christof Niederwieser – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBBENhJ4AxY&list=PLbzDzE1l1gq-oI64wAk31HJU4Twsr6fOQ&index=12https://talk.vonabisw.de/Lehrgang/Transit10.mp4

The Astrology Of Growth And Decline – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzBNXf3soRs&t=0shttps://talk.vonabisw.de/Lehrgang/Transit11.mp4

The Coming Virtual World – And How We Get There – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWinjCYszuwhttps://talk.vonabisw.de/Lehrgang/Transit12.mp4

The Planetary Rulership of Terms – Ptolemy Source Problem

Ptolemy’s Doctrine of the Terms and Its Reception – Prof. Dr. Stephan Heilen – https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-90-481-2788-7_3

Cosmos and Culture Nr. 11 – http://www.cultureandcosmos.org/issues/vol11.php

https://www.skyscript.co.uk/terms.html – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Lehrgang/Terms.pdf

Forschung München – Dr. David Juste – https://ptolemaeus.badw.de/starthttps://ptolemaeus.badw.de/work/27


 – Calculator – https://firdaria.com/calculator.php

Version of the Planetary Sequence for a Night Birth

Moon, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, MercuryNorth Node, South Node.

Robert Zoller has changed his opinion and he now supports this sequence given by Rob Hand. – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Wille/Firdaria.pdf

Joy Usher on Using Firdaria in Predictive Astrology – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbbKEUo0Eikhttps://talk.vonabisw.de/Lehrgang/Firdar1.mp4

Astrological Magic

Astrology and Magic – The Relationship Between Them – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyVPMDD1I5E&t=197s

Astrological Magic – Resources for Authentic Medieval & Renaissance
Magic of the Stars & Planets
 – https://www.renaissanceastrology.com/astrologicalmagic.html

Grimoires – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWfUcScvQbEwyq8AXrMb6cM3vbqr3qaq_

The Picatrix – A Grimoire of Astrological Magic – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWfUcScvQbEx8y93CtG6aTWQREm48nkb2

The Relationship Between Astrology and Magic – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyVPMDD1I5E&list=PLWfUcScvQbEyNyV47RAjAwb5QI4lVd-4B&index=71&t=184s

Chris Warnock – The Picatrix – A Grimoire of Astrological Magic – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkTjOonTMpM&list=PLWfUcScvQbEyNyV47RAjAwb5QI4lVd-4B&index=74&t=895s

Filmliste Magic


Filmlisten – Astroseek – Astrodienst

Traditionelle Astrologie – Lehrgang – Time Lords et.al. –https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCKPz4q3EX-sJrME6Bv8yM015CJdPCOaS

Astroseek – https://horoscopes.astro-seek.com

Astrodienst Radix – https://www.astro.com/cgi/chart.cgi?rs=2&btyp=w2at&;mth=at;hsy=P;node=-Yn;snode=-Ys;fix=1;terms=eg;mainasp=1;add=18;lang=g&nhor=31

Astrodienst Solar 2022 / 23 –https://www.astro.com/cgi/chart.cgi?;clang=g;rs=2;adl=18,;add=18;terms=eg;node=-Yn;btyp=w2at;lang=g;fix=1;mth=at;mainasp=1;snode=-Ys;hsy=P;nhor=115

Astroseek – Radix


Shwep – https://kosmologie.vonabisw.de/secret-history

Esoterica – https://www.youtube.com/c/ESOTERICAchannel/videos





4- Faust – 1 bis 7 – https://talk.vonabisw.de/G/F/4.mp4


Body – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Freudenman/Body.mp4




Levy Asien – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Levy/1.mp4

bis https://talk.vonabisw.de/Levy/6.mp4 – = Saul



Eine Medizin geht Ihren Weg – Zum Kneipp-Jubiläumsjahr 2021 (1821-1897) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWB4Fe0TJOk&list=PLWfUcScvQbExm0ySdB5FxUwwN0iSJwa3B&index=3&t=109shttps://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson65.mp4








bis 12


21. Mai 2021


bis 6




https://talk.vonabisw.de/Kneippsummit/Video1.mp4 und 2

https://talk.vonabisw.de/Kneippsummit/Gesundheitstag2.mp4 und 1



bis 64


https://talk.vonabisw.de/Heilkundige/Gerson1.mp4 – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Heilkundige/Gerson2.mp4 – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Heilkundige/Gerson3.mp4 – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Heilkundige/Gerson4.mp4 – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Heilkundige/Gerson5.mp4 – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Heilkundige/Gerson6.mp4 – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Heilkundige/Gerson7.mp4 – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Heilkundige/Gerson8.mp4 – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Heilkundige/Gerson9.mp4 – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Heilkundige/Gerson10.mp4 – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Heilkundige/Gerson11.mp4 – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Heilkundige/Gerson12.mp4 – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Heilkundige/Gerson14.mp4 – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Heilkundige/Gerson15.mp4 – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Heilkundige/Gerson17.mp4

https://talk.vonabisw.de/Heilkundige/Gerson14.mp4 – Howard Legacy – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Heilkundige/Gerson17.mp4 – Truth – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Heilkundige/Gerson12.mp4 – Webinar – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Heilkundige/Gerson4.mp4 – Film – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Heilkundige/Gerson5.mp4 – (Miracle – Deutsch) – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Heilkundige/Gerson6.mp4 – (Miracle – English)

Dr. Patrick Vickers – gersonclinic.com

Filmliste Dr. Patrick Vickers – Die verbotene Therapie eines Deutschen Arztes


Dr. Max Gerson birthplace – Wagrowiec – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1I7_Ml-ln9A – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson17.mp4

Gerson Therapy at Northern Baja Gerson Center – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCVerHjR1kg&t=15s – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson36.mp4

GERSONCLINIC Tour – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-tFZFK4KkQ – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson38.mp4

Diabetes / Gerson Therapy

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buEuSD9O9bE – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson37.mp4



https://chemoalternatives.com/the-mexican-doctors/dr-patrick-vickers/ – Upon graduating from NYCC in 1997, Dr. Vickers studied Gerson Therapy directly from Charlotte Gerson at her home in San Diego, California, where he studied all about the therapy including Dr. Max Gerson’s patient cases and studies. After several months of studying Dr. Gerson’s files and interning at the Gerson Center, Dr. Patrick opened chiropractic and Gerson clinics in Peru, Guatemala, and Mexico. He then returned to the United States in 2008 to open a non-profit organization dedicated to educating the public on the Gerson Therapy. Since that time, Dr. Patrick has been travelling around the world lecturing at international embassies, Latin American medical schools, and other miscellaneous venues.

https://chemoalternatives.com/mexican-clinics/northern-baja-gerson-center/ – Along with Gerson Therapy, Northern Baja Gerson Center offered additional treatments to help fight cancer and other degenerative diseases such as Lyme disease, diabetes, heart conditions, and more. Among these treatments were:

Hyperthermia therapy (water based treatment)
Oxygen enhancement therapies
Ozone therapy
Hyperbaric oxygen chamber
Laetrile (B17)
High dose intravenous vitamin C
Beamer math
Coley’s toxins therapy
Dendritic cell therapy
Infrared therapy
Frankincense oil
Natural enzymes

ChemoAlternatives talk with Dr. Vickers: – Type of therapies – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UARhJR2yKEo – The combination of Gerson Therapy along with additional treatments helped patients enjoy both worlds of therapies and didn’t restrict them to only one. On the other hand, this was also the reason why Northern Baja Gerson Center didn’t get the official Gerson Therapy certification. As the Gerson Therapy Institute supports only nutritional change, along with detox and supplements, it doesn’t certify any clinic that adds other treatments which are not part of Dr. Max Gerson’s therapeutic method.


https://yestolife.org.uk/provider/vickers-patrick-dr/ – https://yestolife.org.uk/therapy/gerson-therapy/?fld=0

Five-year survival rates of melanoma patients treated by diet therapy after the manner of Gerson: a retrospective review – https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9359807/

“Living proof” and the pseudo-science of alternative cancer treatments – https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2630257/

Living Proof: A Medical Mutiny

Dr. Vickers Videos from the Homepage


General Rules for Health According to Dr. Patrick Vickers – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUG9GjcKU6E – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson39.mp4

Dr. Vickers was LIVE on Facebook June 7th 2023

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7kvRIfBgu8&t=253s – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson14.mp4



ChemoAlternatives talk with Dr. Vickers – A day in a life of a Gerson Therapy’s patient – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kwXsGzrZjhc

Dr. Patrick Vickers discusses the effective expansion of the Gerson Therapy – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6L5FfRMCVqk

Episode #167: Gerson Therapy with Dr. Patrick Vickers, DC – https://www.betterhealthguy.com/episode167 – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson10.mp4

Chris Wark Interviews


1- Gerson Cancer Therapy explained by Dr. Patrick Vickers – https://www.chrisbeatcancer.com/gerson-cancer-therapy-explained-by-dr-vickers/ – https://rumble.com/v3dr8vi-dr.-patrick-vickers-explains-gerson-therapy-for-healing-cancer-naturally.html – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson12.mp4

2- Gerson Therapy Q&A with Dr. Patrick Vickers – https://www.chrisbeatcancer.com/gerson-therapy-qa-dr-patrick-vickers/ – https://rumble.com/v3dragq-gerson-therapy-q-and-a-with-dr.-patrick-vickers.html – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson13.mp4

3- Dr. Vickers explains coffee enemas for healing cancer – https://rumble.com/v3dr6x4-dr.-vickers-explains-coffee-enemas-for-healing-cancer.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson40.mp4

4- Gerson Therapy For Cancer – Advanced Cancer Protocols with Dr. Patrick Vickers – https://rumble.com/v3dr0lz-gerson-therapy-for-cancer-advanced-cancer-protocols-with-dr.-patrick-vicker.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson41.mp4

The Advanced Gerson Therapy Overview – https://gersonclinic.com/the-advance-gerson-therapy-overview/

THE END OF AN ERA – https://gersonclinic.com/the-end-of-an-era/


Due to the rapidly changing, increasingly dangerous, societal, and economic conditions in Mexico (and around the world), it is becoming extremely difficult, dangerous and nearly impossible, to continue carrying out the Gerson Therapy in a clinical setting. Compound that with the fact that Google/YouTube have now publically announced their active censorship of the Gerson Therapy, specifically, and it leaves us with no choice but to adapt to these current conditions. Bearing these factors in mind, we are transitioning Dr. Gerson’s amazing therapy from a clinical setting to a completely home-based, comprehensive, remote program that will allow all future patients the luxury of being able to successfully carry out our ADVANCED GERSON THERAPY PROTOCOL at home without having to travel and spend the exorbitant amounts of money it requires to carry out and perform the therapy in a clinical setting. This will not only guarantee the comfort and safety of our patients, but it will also afford them the ability to use funds, otherwise needed to attend our clinic, to utilize the various adjunctive modalities we use at our clinic to enhance the effectiveness of the Gerson Therapy. While we will greatly miss working together as a group, teaching patients the Gerson Therapy in a clinical setting, we are excited for the flexibility and opportunity this transition will afford all of our future patients. With our THREE-MONTH, ADVANCED GERSON THERAPY, HOME PROGRAM, patients will receive three months of everything they need to carry out the Gerson Therapy at home. This program includes three months of online ZOOM consultations with our trained, medical and clinical staff and Dr. Vickers himself. It will insure that all patients and family be thoroughly educated on this incredibly intensive, highly specific, detailed and powerful therapy giving patients the ability to heal from whatever conditions they may be suffering with. – The world is dramatically and rapidly changing. The disgusting, evil forces behind the current global situation are actively seeking to destroy and wipe out all remaining Truth from our lives and our lips. We are doing everything possible to keep that Truth alive for the benefit of our future patients and all of humanity. If you feel you need, or can benefit from, our THREE MONTH ADVANCED GERSON THERAPY HOME PROGRAM, please reach out to us at director@gersonclinic.com. – Sincerely, from all of us, at THE ADVANCED GERSON THERAPY.“

Dr. Vickers LIVE – https://gersonclinic.com/dr-vickers-live/

Censored For Speaking the Truth about the Gerson Therapy – a message from Dr. Vickers

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdxcGavDORs – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson11.mp4

Dr. Patrick Vickers Interview

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1oHD0yLie_g – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson15.mp4

Olga Winzenried on zoom with Dr. Patrick Vickers

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fyOo6kqtKmU – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson16.mp4

Dr. Vickers featured interview with Ryan Sternagel of The Stern Method Health Summit

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TACwvP6_Yrs – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson21.mp4

Dr. Vickers lecture on supplements

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQKqHibv9Hg – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson22.mp4

The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest Episode 1

https://thetruthaboutcancerofficial.substack.com/p/the-truth-about-cancer-a-global-quest – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson17.mp4


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1iAdFw-vvs – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson23.mp4

Dr. Patrick Vickers and Chris from Chris beat cancer answering questions Live on Facebook

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=abApPma8-4E – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson24.mp4

Dr Vickers Southampton, UK Lecture

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojvX1Byx_sU – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson25.mp4

Metabolic Breakdown: Dr. Patrick Vickers on The Gerson Therapy

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5ScyN8Uqp8 – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Gerson3/Gerson26.mp4

475: Reversing Cancer with Advanced Gerson Therapy, Dr. Patrick Vickers


The Advanced Gerson Therapy Overview



The most powerful, comprehensive treatment available 

“I am convinced that integration of Gerson’s therapy with the holistic immune-biological treatments will produce the best possible results.”


October 18, 1881 – Mar 7, 1959

Shortly before his death in 1959, Dr. Max Gerson published his epic book, “A Cancer Therapy; Results of 50 Cases.” On pages 121-128, Dr. Gerson clearly laid out various directions he would like to take his therapy but he never got the chance because he died. Dr. Gerson was the consummate scientist; perpetually trying to enhance and improve on his, already, remarkable clinical results.

Dr. Vickers and his colleagues set out to begin utilizing therapies specifically mentioned by Dr. Gerson, along with several other immunological therapies, that have proven to stimulate the immune system and increase clinical outcomes. Our Advanced Gerson Therapy is clearly showing greater clinical results than the original therapy left by Dr. Gerson over 50 years ago—just as Dr. Gerson theorized it would! Dr. Vickers and his colleagues continue to offer the original Gerson Therapy as Dr. Gerson left it but it is only under this foundation and umbrella of Dr. Gerson’s original treatment that these additional immunological therapies mentioned above achieve their maximum efficacy.

Dr. Gerson’s dietary therapy is an intensive, nutrition-based program which has proven to stimulate the body’s own natural immune response while promoting the breakdown of diseased and tumor-laden tissue as well as the rebuilding of that diseased tissue. It works closely with the healing forces of nature to stimulate and restore normal growth by flooding the body with fresh, raw, cooked, organic, live foods on a scale that no other nutritional therapy in the world today can compare. It simply is the most powerful, comprehensive therapy available in the world today. Specific fruits and vegetables, raw and freshly prepared, supply massive amounts of nutrients and phytochemicals that have proven, in worldwide studies, to have incredible anti-cancer and health-promoting properties. In countless cases, this, intense dietary regime has proven to cause COMPLETE regression of cancer. Holistic, all-encompassing, nutritional immunotherapy, based on the principles of Dr. Max Gerson’s therapy, is able to reverse a myriad of chronic conditions including, but not limited to, Arthritis, Lupus, Candida, Thyroid disease, Alzheimers, Asthma, MS, Diabetes, Cancer and countless other conditions. When done in conjunction with other, highly-effective immunological treatments mentioned below, those results are exemplified on an even greater magnitude that cannot be rivaled anywhere in the world.

Below is a review of our Advanced Gerson Therapy.


The following treatments, below, were treatments used at our clinic to enhance the Advanced Gerson Therapy Protocol. During your consultations for your three month home program, you will be educated on the rational behind these therapies and where you can access them for home use. 

GERSON THERAPY – Max B. Gerson, M.D., is considered one of the original pioneers behind Nutritional Immunology for his many contributions in chronic and degenerative diseases, infectious diseases, and cancer. His diet, consisting of 20lbs. of organic fruits and vegetables every day (mostly in the form of juices), as well as a potent detoxification program, is the foundation from which we build on the therapies below.

HYPERBARIC OXYGEN/OZONE/H2O2: In 1931 Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize in medicine after demonstrating that cancer, viruses and bacteria cannot survive in highly oxygenated and alkaline environments. New in May of 2015 we have added hyperbaric oxygen therapy, ozone and hydrogen peroxide to the Basic Plan 3 without any additional cost. 

IV UVB BLOOD IRRADIATION/OZONE: In this procedure the patient’s blood is drawn and exposed to UVB Light as well as ozone. The incredible immune-modulating and immuneboosting effects of UVB BLOOD IRRADIATION are well documented for its ability to combat cancer, viral and bacterial conditions. 

PURE ALOE VERA: For centuries the powerful healing abilities of Aloe Vera have been well known. Our Aloe Vera is the purest, most unadulterated form of Aloe Vera available anywhere completely free of chemicals and preservatives and derived from the ALOE BARBADENSIS MILLER-STOCKTON genus of plant: the most renowned genus as it relates to potency. It is hand- fileted, immediately frozen and sent two day priority to guarantee complete freshness and maximum potency. 

RAW SPIRULINA: Spirulina’s nutritional benefits have been known for millenia. The ancients Aztecs and ancient African tribes living around Lake Chad, even today, harvest spirulina as a staple of their diet. The Russian government distributed it to citizens around the Chernobyl disaster to successfully protect them from nuclear radiation. Countless studies show its ability to destroy Leukemia cancer cells and tumors. It is, simply put, the most powerful superfood  available on earth. Unfortunately, until recently, the only form of spirulina available was in tablet, or powder form leaving the product with a horrible taste and smell as the bacteria have died. Today, for the first time, a LIVE spirulina product is being produced and will have exponentially more healing power than previously available spirulina products. Spirulina has the ability to destroy tumors, viruses, and bacteria while protecting cells from genetic damage caused by radiation. Its ability to oxygenate tissues and its high sulfur compounds essential for heavy metal detoxification continue to make Spirulina the superfood of superfoods. Here, at Northern Baja Gerson Center, we are excited to introduce Raw, Living Spirulina harvested and sent to us the next day, refrigerated. We are looking forward to seeing the amazing results this treatment has consistently demonstrated in numerous studies. 

NEAR INFRARED THERAPY: In his revolutionary book, “The Medicine of Light,” author Nathaniel Mead unveils the current scientific literature demonstrating the effects of light against cancer. Current scientific studies are showing that when the body is flooded with chlorophyll then hit with NEAR infrared light, specifically, it is causing the immediate cell death of cancer cells. The high chlorophyll content of the Gerson Therapy, along with the highly concentrated chlorophyll content of our RAW Spirulina and NEAR-infrared sauna therapy provides a potent defense against tumors and metastasis. 

GCMAF: Globulin component  Macrophage Activating  Factor, or GcMAF, is also  called vitamin D-binding  protein-derived macrophage  activating factor. It is an  endogenous (occurring within  the body) glycosylated vitamin  D binding regulatory protein  present within the immune  system. This naturally occurring  protein is found in all healthy individuals, but is depleted in people with an improperly functioning immune system. GcMAF plays an important role in activating macrophages.  Macrophages (from the Greek for “big eaters”) are white blood cells that literally swallow and digest cellular debris, foreign substances, bacteria, cancer cells, and anything else that does not have the “right” proteins to identify it as a healthy cell belonging to the body. When GcMAF is depleted, the immune response becomes weak because macrophages are not being activated by GcMAF. Furthermore, our body’s tissues are not successfully repaired and homeostatic imbalance can occur from a lack of available macrophages. Microglia are a very important type of macrophage located specifically in the spine and brain. They defend your immune system against threats to the central nervous system, which cause trauma and represent a crucial first line of defense.  When used in conjunction with the incredible, dietary, immune-boosting Gerson Therapy, the effects of GCMAF are exponentially increased which continues to make our Advanced Gerson Therapy protocol the most powerful in the world for the successful treatment of advanced, degenerative disease. 

LAETRILE – Also known as Amygdalin or Vitamin B17 and derived from apricot kernels, Laetrile’s history of being able to destroy cancer cells, while protecting healthy cells, is well documented. Here at AGTC we apply 9 grams of pure laetrile intravenously which is the scientific therapeutic dose. 

BOB BECK PROTOCOL – We utilize the 9-volt Pulsar Unit and Ozone Unit created by Bob Beck. The electrical current applied to the body is said to stun any viruses, bacteria and cancer cells diminishing their ability to multiply giving the immune system the upper hand in its ability to attack and destroy the invading organisms. Ironically it is the same level of current a healthy immune system would release to stun the aforementioned organisms.“ 

Marcus and Sabrina Freudenmann


Impressum / Datenschutz

https://www.astro.com/astrowiki/de/Volker_Schendelhttps://talk.vonabisw.de/Lehrgang4/8.pdf – Radix – https://talk.vonabisw.de/Lehrgang4/Radix.png

Es gilt der Inhalt der verlinkten Hauptseite –https://vonabisw.de/impressum-und-datenschutz

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