The Lord of the Orb

13.12.1949 – 7:00:00 = vor Sonnenaufgang also Planetenstunde 5:38 bis 7:00 = Saturn – Tagesherrscher vom 12. 12. 1949 = Mond

Chaldäische Reihe –äische_Reihe

Solarhoroskop 13.12.2023 = Wiederkehr der Sonne auf 20° 54′ 11“ Schütze = 5 Uhr 56 Minuten 40 Sekunden für Hannover – Mittwoch – Merkurtag – 5:40 bis 7:01 = Planetenstunde des Mondes = 1.Haus

Annual Profections

is an ancient Hellenestic Astrology method of seeing what a theme or area of focus will be for your Solar year, and a key Planet (your “timelord”), based on your Natal Chart. – Using the whole sign House system, starting with the Rising Sign as the 1st House, this will count as your 1st House Profection Year for your first year after birth. Then, in your second year of life, you will move into a 2nd House Profection Year and so on. Every twelve years you will come back to the same House Profection. – Based off of your own personal Natal Chart, the House that is activated for you for the year will also be in a certain Zodiac Sign, and the Planetary ruler of that Sign will be particularly significant for you for that period. It will also activate any personal Planets you have in that House. – It is basically a way of “profecting”, or moving forward, your Rising Sign every birthday. You can also profect your main luminay (Sun Sign for Day Charts and Moon Sign for Night Charts) for more information.

Filmliste The Lord of the Orb in Solar Returns – –

Lord of the Orb, Primary Directions, Solar Revolutions & Profections – – Abu Ma’shar on Solar Returns, with Benjamin Dykes – – Peter Stockinger on How to Use Solar Returns & Profections in Astrology –

Myth of Er



The Daimon and Zodiacal Releasing

Astrology as the teaching of Primordial Principles not of the stars or planets. – Therefore the Planets can never be causes – only signs as representative for one of the seven Primordial Principles – now ten. – As above so below. – The Horoscope as the teaching and learning Plan for the life of the Individual. – Lord not my will, but your will be done. – Theurgy (Greek θεουργία theourgía „work of God“) is an ancient term for religious rites and practices that were intended to enable people to make contact with divine beings and obtain help from them. The practitioner is called a „theurgist“.

Cornelius Agrippa of Nettesheim

Occult Philosophy –

Planetary Hours of the Day
